Christmas 2004

Disney Christmas - 20Nov2004

The people who sat with my sleeping husband. Me, Joshua, and Randal on safari Joshua, Julia, and Jimmy enjoy a public shower.
Bongo Julia. Julia and Jimmy get their beat on. Me and my sissy.
Randal, me, Jonna, Jimmy, Jim, Rhena (back), ½Joshua. Julia and Julia tame the dinosaur.

Gma Holloway's 94th Birthday/Christmas - 18Dec2004

Gma and Randal. Gma giving Jr his gift.
Gma and Brenda Teresa and Anna Grace. Gma giving CJ his gift.
Gma and cake. Anna Grace and Abby(?). Randal and Shane.
The birthday girl.

Gma Moore's Christmas - 24Dec2004

Brody and Kayla.
Anna Grace. Brenda, Shane, and Robyn. Brenda and Granny.
Teresa and Anna Grace.
Charlie and Granny. Granny. Jordan and Dusty.
Me, Granny, and Randal.

Christmas with the In-Laws - 24Dec2004

Anna Grace, Kayla, and CJ. Anna Grace gets a phone.
Brenda, Teresa, and Miranda. Doug figuring out his camera.
Miranda, Shane, and Doug. Uncle Randal gave Anna Grace a pile of hickories.
She was a good sport and gave them back. Kayla.
Brenda opening her digital camera.
Brenda got a mystery diamond necklace. Junior opening his rotisserie. Kayla and Anna Grace karaoke.
Brenda made a new quilt for each grandchild.

Our First Married Christmas - 25Dec2004

My duck slippers from Brenda. Our tree. Randal waits patiently.
After opening. My husband and me.
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